This font is derived from the speed and ambience of velodrome racing and it proposes different cycling routes for sportsmen. The project was initiated as a play on the theme to use track race, speed and power creatively. The typeface is a documentation of these thoughts. The first sketches were loose traces on paper, which later acquired sturdier modular form and became a set of characters.

Letters of the typeface Velodromatic are monospaced, with slight kerning. It is a modular typeface with letter shapes of no particular style. “Sans serif” and “hyper extended” could describe its essence. In a way, it is a souvenir or a memo for me, which I can share with others. The font was designed from material collected at the velodrome by observing the action. From this collection I finally created a proposal for the alternative movement of the sportsmen. Initially the whole font was designed for an imaginary sports magazine, which grew into a type specimen booklet showing letters next to photos. I visited Amsterdam velodrome near Sloten several times to collect the photo material and to observe the architectural space and the training of the racers.

Architecturally the building was industrial-looking, not very attractive from outside. On the other hand entering the heart of the building, where you could see the looped track, was an interesting experience. The wooden floor on the tracks and the humming of the fast bikes racing by created a specific ambience. Working with this subject went quickly and brought a lot of joy. To check how I succeeded in creating and capturing this ambience you can visit Amsterdam Velodrome- Sloterweg 1045, 1066 CD Amsterdam.
*exhibited at “Souvenir”, Helsinki
Under the umbrella of AtypI Helsinki, September 2005